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Traffic Control

From the moment you make a booking it is our responsibility to make sure the job runs smoothly for you.

Our Administration Coordinator will organise any necessary:

  • TGS's

  • ROL's

  • TMP's

We are responsible for selecting and designing Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS) and Traffic Management Plans (TMP) for each worksite and implementing these in accordance with the TfNSW Traffic Control at Work Sites manual.

All of our traffic controllers for your project will have completed TfNSW-accredited Traffic Controller training and carry a White card. Team Leaders will also have training such as Implement Traffic Control Plans and current First Aid Certificates. Our Operations Manager and Work Support Officer carry the qualifications said above plus Prepare a Work Zone Traffic Management Plan.

When on site we are accountable for everything to remain safe. We have systems that have been put in place and all employees undergo training to make sure our quality of standards is met. Each vehicle and TMA is equipped with safety beacons, first aid kits, spills kits and fire extinguishers. We also have an on-site qualified mechanic who ensures that all machinery is routinely inspected and maintained. To provide the best quality of work for the project our team communicates through up to date technologies such as radio, internet, mobile phone, and global positioning system (GPS) technologies.


Taffic Control
Tree Maintenance

We have highly skilled and experienced staff who provide professional tree felling, chipping and stump grinding services.
When hiring Wolfcon we will firstly assess and plan the right procedure. We strive to keep trees healthy and strong but sometimes this cannot be obtained if the tree has a disease, is in a dangerous location or has become damaged in a storm. As a last resort these trees need to be removed. We can at your request, check with your local council to determine if a permit is required.
We can chip all tree material on site up to 250mm. The client then has the option to keep mulch or we can take it away. We do not stockpile mulch.
Removal of stumps is advised as it can attract unwanted pests and fungus.  We use a stump grinding machine which will grind the stump to just below ground level. Grindings are left in the hole for back fill unless stated otherwise in the initial quote.
All our work crew are inducted to each site making sure that the site will always remain safe and we can also provide Traffic Control if the job requires.
When on site we are accountable for everything to remain safe. We have systems that have been put in place and all employees undergo training to make sure our standard of quality is met. Our vehicles are fitted with safety beacons, first aid kits, spills kits and fire extinguishers. We also have an on-site qualified mechanic who ensures that all machinery is routinely inspected and maintained. To provide the best quality of work for the project. Our team communicates through up to date technologies such as radio, internet, mobile phone, and global positioning system (GPS) technologies.


Tree maintenance
Roadside Maintenance

Wolfcon is contracted by TfNSW for Roadside Maintenance across NSW.  We have been a provider to TfNSW for 25 years. Our mission is to keep the roadsides of NSW clean, well maintained and free from hazards so every single passer-by can be proud of our environment, enjoy the experience and remain safe across our beautiful state.

The services we provide are as follows:

  • Rest Area Maintenance: Cleaning rest area toilets, litter collection, mowing, whipper snipping, weed spraying, and general maintenance to rest areas and truck parking bays

  • Roadside Vegetation Control: Mowing, spraying and slashing of roadsides

  • Roadside Litter Collection

Over the years we have been able to adapt to change and meet requirements TfNSW have set by constant ongoing training and improvement in our systems. We have built a reputation of reliability, professionalism and quality in our work. Our progress and success depends largely on the co-operation and teamwork of each employee, regardless of his/her job.


Road Maintenace
Septic Waste

We offer everything from septic pump outs to grease trap cleaning for both domestic and commercial situations.
Your waste system can be a vital part of your home or business which requires regular cleaning and maintenance.
Wolfcon has experience in operating in high traffic areas where cleanliness and public safety is very important. Our specialised truck will clean your septic tanks and grease traps with ease. If you have a small café or large restaurant cleaning your grease trap should be part of your on-going maintenance plan in your catering business. Without proper care and treatment, problem situations like odours, backups, excessive pumping and overall unsafe sanitary conditions can exist.  Scheduling a clean in advance is the best way to plan your grease trap service. Check with your local council regarding your obligations as fines can apply for non-compliance.
When on site we ensure everything remains safe by making sure the septic truck is equipped with safety beacons, first aid kits, spills kits and fire extinguishers. We also have an on-site qualified mechanic who ensures that all machinery is routinely inspected and maintained.


Sucker truck
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